All in one Bulk QRCode Barcode
by QR Barcode Expert
App Highlights
All in one Bulk QR Barcode are scannable QR and Barcodes that link customers directly to products, variants on online store. They can scan these QR and Barcodes and buy your products with a single tap. You can use standard sticky labels on an A4 sheet, for example 3 columns x 3 rows = 9 labels. You can use Fix Length - fix the length of labels. If the label length is less than fix-length, it will be filled up with _, and if the label length is greater than fix-length, it will be truncated.
- Integrate QR codes and Barcodes into your product packaging, offline customers
- Customize QR Codes and Barcode easily such as your branded logo, label, size
- Create bulk QR, Barcodes manually for any Web URL. Print QR and barcode labels
Pricing: From $5.99/month. 1-day free trial.
Rating: 5/5
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