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Learn Python from Beginner to Master!

DevelopmentNovember 16, 2023

1. Google's Python Class

Google's Python Class is a free class for people with a little bit of programming experience. The class includes written materials, lecture videos, and lots of code exercises to practice Python coding. These materials are used within Google to introduce Python to people who have just a little programming experience. The first exercises work on basic Python concepts like strings and lists, building up to the later exercises, which are complete programs dealing with text files, processes, and HTTP connections. The class is geared for people who have a little bit of programming experience in some language, enough to know what a "variable" or "if statement" is. Beyond that, you do not need to be an expert programmer to use this material.

This material was created by Nick Parlante, working in the engEDU group at Google.

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2. Introduction to Python

Learn how to write basic Python code, declare variables, and work with console input and output.

Learning objectives

  • Explore the choices available to run Python apps

  • Use the Python interpreter to execute statements and scripts

  • Learn how to declare variables

  • Build a simple Python app that takes input and produces output

This material was created by Microsoft.

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3. Learning Python

Python—the popular and highly readable object-oriented language—is both powerful and relatively easy to learn. Whether you're new to programming or an experienced developer, this course can help you get started with Python. Joe Marini provides an overview of the installation process, basic Python syntax, and an example of how to construct and run a simple Python program. Learn to work with dates and times, read and write files, and retrieve and parse HTML, JSON, and XML data from the web.

Learning objectives:

  • Installing Python

  • Choosing an editor or IDE

  • Working with variables and expressions

  • Writing loops

  • Using the date, time, and date-time classes

  • Reading and writing files

  • Fetching internet data

  • Parsing and processing HTML

This material was created by Joe Marini, the Senior Developer Advocate at Google.

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4. Learn Python for free

It is a beginner-level course. This 58-part tutorial will teach you Python through a mix between tutorials and interactive coding challenges.

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5. Python Tutorial for Beginners [Full Course]

It is 6.25 hours long YouTube Python Tutorial by 'Programming with Mosh'. In addition to the python related concepts, there are 3 Python projects - Automation with Python, Machine Learning with Python, and Building a Website with Django - within this tutorial.

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the structure of Google's Python Class?

    Google's Python Class includes written materials, lecture videos, and code exercises designed for beginners.

  • Who created Google's Python Class?

    Google's Python Class was created by Nick Parlante, working in the engEDU group at Google.

  • What programming experience is required for Google's Python Class?

    The class is geared towards individuals with a little programming experience in any language

  • Is Google's Python Class suitable for expert programmers?

    While designed for beginners, even expert programmers can benefit from the materials provided.

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