Receipt Scanning Loyalty Rewards App with Tiered System

In just 14 weeks, we built a loyalty rewards mobile app that boosted customer engagement by 60% and increased repeat purchases for loyal customers.

Instantor Rewards

Business Context

Sanbra Fyffe Limited, a leading manufacturer and wholesale distributor of plumbing products in Ireland, faced the challenge of identifying loyal customers and rewarding them to increase customer retention and repeat purchases.
They aimed to create a loyalty and rewards mobile app to recognize and reward plumbers and installers nationwide, showing appreciation for their support and trust. By enhancing their relationship with these professionals, Instantor aimed to boost repeat purchases.
The new loyalty program will allow plumbers and installers to register on the Instantor Rewards mobile app, upload receipts of purchased plumbing products, and earn reward points for each receipt. Participants can then compete in monthly competitions, fostering engagement and loyalty.


Web, iOS, Android Mobile App


14 Weeks


Marketing Tech

To ensure a seamless user experience and efficient backend operations, we used the following technologies


Firebase for secure user authentication and data management

flutter logo

Flutter for cross-platform mobile app development

nestjs logo

NestJS for backend server logic and API integrations

PostgreSQL Logo

PostgreSQL as the database for storing user information and transactional data

Hasura Logo

Hasura for efficient GraphQL API management over PostgreSQL

Partnership Goal

The client's goal was to boost repeat purchases from their core customers — plumbers and installers — by introducing a dynamic loyalty program through a tiered rewards loyalty app. They were looking for a small, adaptable team with strong technical skills to take charge and achieve measurable outcomes.
Our collaboration aimed at improving user engagement, promoting repeat purchases, and utilizing advanced technologies to create a seamless and rewarding experience across the country.


  • No targeted audience-specific engagement or loyalty program in place
  • Lack of a simplified digital experience to enhance engagement
  • Absence of effective means to appreciate and reward customers
  • Difficulty in converting new customers into loyal, repeat buyers


  • Successful attraction of new customers to the mobile loyalty app
  • Enhanced ease of access through the mobile app
  • Significant increase in customer engagement through interactive features
  • Higher customer purchase frequency and spending
  • Improved customer retention rates
  • Increased frequency of repeat purchases
  • Simplified receipt upload process for user convenience
  • Efficient competition management for administrators
  • Real-time processing of receipts
  • Automated selection of competition winners leading to greater customer satisfaction

Team Formation

Our team showcased their loyalty app development expertise through this project. Four team members collaborated to create a reward structure with a tiered rewards system. We worked closely with the client, whose representatives provided ongoing feedback and support.
Daily updates were communicated via Slack, and Asana was used for project management to maintain clear communication and organization. To keep the project on track, we followed Agile methods with two-week sprints. Support issues were promptly handled through Slack, ensuring quick responses.
For bug fixes, we conducted thorough testing in development, testing, and staging environments before going live. This organized and communicative approach ensured we delivered a loyalty rewards app that provides an excellent user experience and converts casual customers into loyal users of the brand.

Team Formation

zero to launch

product purchase receipts in 1st month

increase in average order value

Our partnership

We were excited to partner with Sanbra Fyffe Limited, a prominent plumbing supply firm, to develop their loyalty rewards app. The loyalty program allows plumbers and installers to register through an online web app or a mobile app, join the Instantor rewards program, and participate in monthly competitions by uploading purchase receipts.
Each receipt earns reward points, helping members advance through Bronze, Silver, and Gold tiers, each with special gift packs. Members also receive updates on new products and exclusive invites to training and social events.
We used advanced technologies like Caddy Reverse Proxy and AWS S3 to make the mobile loyalty app fast and secure. Users can log in and upload receipts easily and without hassle. Customer receipt photos are safely stored, and all information is protected. This ensures a great user experience, keeping customers satisfied and coming back for more.


Plumbers and installers can easily register online or through the Instantor rewards mobile app.


Receipt Upload

Users can snap and upload proof of purchase of Sanbra Fyffe products via the app, earning reward points for each upload.

Receipt Upload

Monthly Competitions

Reward points from receipt uploads qualify members for monthly competitions offering prizes like weekend getaways and electronics.

Monthly Competitions

Tiered Membership

Members progress through Bronze, Silver, and Gold tiers based on accumulated reward points, each tier offering special Instantor merchandise.

Tiered Membership

Exclusive Benefits

Members receive updates on new products and exclusive invitations to training sessions and events.

Exclusive Benefits

Push and Email Notifications

Users receive push notifications for upcoming competitions and alerts about potential prize wins. Confirmation emails are sent upon successful receipt uploads.

Push and Email Notifications

Reward Point Tracking

Members can monitor their reward points and loyalty tier status through their account.

Reward Point Tracking

Super Admin Panel

Super Admins manage competitions, user activity, and winners through comprehensive tools including CSV export options.

Super Admin Panel

User Management

Admins can oversee user details, tier settings, and notifications to ensure effective program management.

User Management

User Profile Management

Users can register, verify, and log in to manage their profiles, update details, change passwords, and adjust communication preferences.

User Profile Management:

They provided ideas that we hadn't really thought of, which helped our program standout.

Nuala C.

Director, BrandFire



Nuala C.

What happened next

The Instantor loyalty rewards mobile app has been a resounding success! In just 3 months after launch, over 5,000 plumbers and installers downloaded the app, demonstrating robust engagement. Users spent an average of over 3 minutes per session actively participating, and there was a notable 25% increase in repeat purchases. This underscores the effectiveness in fostering customer loyalty and driving business growth of the mobile loyalty app.
As we enter our 4th year of collaboration, our client has expressed great satisfaction with our project development process and approach. The loyalty rewards program, introduced in 2021, exemplifies our ongoing dedication to innovation and delivering impactful loyalty solutions that strengthen customer relationships.

What happened Next

Have further questions?

  • What is a loyalty mobile app?

    A loyalty mobile app is a digital platform designed to reward customers for their repeat business and engagement. It allows users to earn points, access rewards, and participate in special promotions directly from their smartphones.

  • What is a loyalty reward system?

    A loyalty reward system is a program designed to encourage repeat business and foster customer loyalty by offering incentives for continued patronage. These systems are often integrated into loyalty mobile apps, providing a convenient and engaging way for customers to earn and redeem rewards.

  • Can a loyalty app really boost customer engagement?

    Absolutely! The Instantor Rewards app is a great example. By offering points for purchases and tiered rewards, we saw a significant increase in user engagement. Users spent over 3 minutes per session actively participating in the program. This level of engagement translates to stronger customer relationships and, as Instantor saw, a 25% rise in repeat purchases.

  • What are the technical challenges of building a receipt-based loyalty program?

    One key challenge is receipt processing. There are two main approaches:

    • Manual review: This ensures accuracy but can be time-consuming for large user bases.

    • Optical Character Recognition (OCR): This technology automatically extracts data from receipts using your phone's camera. While convenient, OCR can have limitations with blurry images or complex layouts.

    The best approach often involves a combination of these methods.

  • How long does it typically take to develop a loyalty app?

    The development time depends on the app's complexity. A basic app like Instantor Rewards could be built in 3-6 months, while a more feature-rich program might take longer. The key is to prioritize features and focus on a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) to launch quickly and gather user feedback for future iterations.

  • Is there a way to track the success of my loyalty app?

    Absolutely! Analytics tools can track key metrics like user engagement, purchase frequency, and redemption rates. By monitoring these metrics, you can measure the app's effectiveness and make adjustments to optimize the program for better results.

  • How can a rewards mobile app benefit my business?

    A rewards mobile app can boost customer retention, increase repeat purchases, and enhance customer engagement. By providing an easy way for customers to earn and redeem rewards, businesses can foster loyalty and encourage ongoing patronage.

  • What features should a loyalty mobile app include?

    Key features of a loyalty mobile app should include easy registration, receipt uploads, points tracking, tiered membership levels, push notifications, and monthly competitions. Additional features can include exclusive offers, product updates, and social event invitations.

  • What are the benefits of building a native app vs. a web app for a loyalty program?

    Native apps offer a smoother user experience, leveraging features like push notifications and camera access for receipt scanning. However, they require development for both iOS and Android platforms. Web apps are more versatile but may lack the functionality and feel of a native app.

  • How is the tier system structured in a rewards mobile app?

    In a rewards mobile app, the tier system usually has several levels. Here’s a basic breakdown:

    1. Entry Level: New users start here. They often get basic rewards for simple actions.
    2. Intermediate Levels: As users engage more, they move up. They might earn better rewards or perks.
    3. Advanced Levels: Long-term or highly active users reach these levels. They receive premium rewards and exclusive benefits.
    4. Top Tier: The highest level, often reserved for the most loyal users. Rewards are the best and most exclusive.

    Each tier requires users to earn points or complete specific tasks to progress. The more you engage with the app, the higher you can climb in the tiers.

  • Can users transfer or share their reward points with others?

    This depends on the app’s policies. Some loyalty programs may allow point transfers or sharing, while others may restrict points to individual accounts. The terms of service will outline these details.

  • How can users find out about new rewards or changes to the reward structure?

    Users can stay informed through push notifications, email updates, or in-app announcements. The app may also have a section dedicated to updates and news about the loyalty program and its rewards.

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